Good Grief Newsletter – Vol. 1

As you read this newsletter, think about where these children, adolescents and adults would have gone if we didn’t have a program that supported their grief. As I collect pictures, I am reminded of the courage that each child and adolescent has shown each day and every week as they attend the only place for grieving children and adolescents. We are here to listen, guide and teach. As a result, families are strengthened and parents are feeling more confident about their parenting skills as they too work through their loss.

We have a great board of directors that care deeply about our mission and building a stronger community for all of our children. I am grateful to have the many volunteers share their time and passion in our program as well as deeply honored that the community has chosen The Solace Tree – Child and Adolescent Center for Grief and Loss to make a contribution.

For the children,



Many of you may be aware that The Solace Tree used donated space for the past three years. We are very grateful for the space provided by Anderson Elementary School, Renown Health and Bailey Charter School. Over the past few months something magic has happened. The University of Nevada, Reno has help donate a house in an undisclosed space on campus.

As an organization we began to put down roots in this community, roots that have grown strong. Our home gives children and adolescents a place to call their own, a home where the rooms are always the same. We have talking rooms, an art room, a game room, an avalanche room and a garden.

SOLACE: Sadness Overcome in a Loving And Caring Environment.

About The Solace Tree

The Solace Tree is dedicated to children, adolescents, and families who have lost a loved one. It is a safe place where children and their families can:

  • Know they are not alone;
  • Share their feelings, memories and experiences, in an atmosphere of non-judgemental acceptance;
  • See that what they are going through is normal; and
  • Know that hope and healing are possible.

Peer Support Groups

Children, adolescents and adults who attend The Solace Tree receive support and encouragement from other participants in their groups. Through the group meetings they discover what is lost, what is left and what is possible.

Children and adolescents use art, music, drama, storytelling and play as ways to express their feelings and to share with peers who can understand and empathize with those feelings. During group discussions, they share their experiences of living without a parent, caregiver, friend, brother or sister.

At The Solace Tree friendships are made, and even in the difficult time of grief, laughter is shared.

The Solace Tree has a art room, drama, room, music room, avalanche room and recreation room. Our goal at The Solace Tree is for children, adolescents and adults to have a good time together – to know that even in grief, families can still find fun and enjoyment together.

Program News

Orientation Sessions

Families interested in joining our peer support groups must attend an orientation. They are held monthly on the first Monday of every month. Completed paperwork must be returned prior to attending an orientation. Please call the office for registration information.

Camp News

Camp Solace 2007 will be held at Lake Tahoe in Glenbrook, NV on September 7th, 8th, and 9th. For more information or to sign-up call us at 775.324.7723 or e-mail


The Solace Tree is a volunteer organization. We are fortunate to have compassionate adults working with children, adolescents and adults that utilize our program. We could not offer our programs if it weren’t for such individuals.

As the executive director, I cannot even begin to express the gratitude I feel toward our wonderful volunteers. I want to send out a special heartfelt thank you and warm welcome to our newest volunteers who completed the spring facilitator training.

No child should grieve alone,

Emilio Parga

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